SIGNAL WebAlert Service Features

[Service Features]

Cloud-basedprecise monitoring operation

24/7/365 monitoring by cloud-based program

Monitoring technology supports various websites

In addition to general websites, we can also monitor sites that require login and actions, and some sites with robot countermeasures

Simple to use

Simply register your sites to be monitored, wait for update notifications, and check for update notifications

Flexible pricing startingfrom $3/month

You can customize the service according to your needs from $3 per month.


Monitoring frequency starting from every minute

Constant monitoring enables you to receive instant updates

Easy-to-understand updated content display

Added and deleted contents are highlighted on old and new screenshots

Filter functionto filter updated content

Send notifications only when the updated content contains specified keywords and/or meets numeric conditions (more or less than a certain number, percentage of change compared to the past, etc.)

Monitorspecified area

Monitor specific parts of a web page

History display on My Page

Check the results of updates saved in My Page to view update trends

Multipleupdate notification options

Email and/or Discord notifications available